SparxSystems Central Europe is part of the Lieber Group with headquarters in Vienna. Our key product is the Enterprise Architect modelling platform from Sparx Systems. It is used by over one million users to design and build software systems, for business process modelling, and for modelling of any process or system.
Enterprise Architect is an easy-to-understand, teamwork-oriented modelling environment that helps organisations analyse, design, and build accurately traceable and documented systems. With the help of this tool, companies are enabled to centrally collect and represent the often very distributed knowledge of teams and departments. Enterprise Architect is complemented by Prolaborate, thier state-of-the-art collaboration tool.
SparxSystems Software Central Europe supports companies across all industries with the acquisition of licenses as well as with training and consulting.
SparxSystems Central Europe
Handelskai 340/Top 5
1020 Vienna
Founder and CEO: Peter Lieber
Categories: Member News