Keywords: financial services; international bank; Egypt/Germany;
Misr Bank - Europe GmbH (MBE), is the one and only Egyptian bank in Central & East Europe. We have been present in the market since 1992. Our office is located in Frankfurt am Main. As a corporation under German law, MBE is fully licensed and regulated by the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin). MBE is a member of the Association of German banks, thus our customer deposits are covered by the associations deposit insurance.
MBE’s shareholders are four of the largest Egyptian banks.
Banque Misr 74,75 %
National Bank of Egypt 10,25 %
Banque du Caire 10,00 %
National Investment Bank 5,00 %
Our main business is to support the trading activities of our clients between the MENA-Region and Europe. A specific focus is given to the business with Egypt.
We provide services and financing to exporters from Europe and Egypt by handling the respective documentary business and or the issuance of bank guarantees. For companies located in Egypt and exporting their goods to Europe, we have developed a special financing product on the basis of receivables, and engage in medium term financing as well.
MBE also acts as an investor in capital markets instruments and provides financing to special projects both in Europe and the MENA-region.
For further information see our webpage on or contact us either on
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