News › October 2018

CORE Workshops "Gastronomie" in Arabisch und Deutsch / Wirtschaftsagentur
Workshops für Menschen mit Fluchterfahrung, die Arabisch und Deutsch sprechen und Interesse haben, ein eigenes Unternehmen im Bereich "Gastronomie" zu gründen.
Ort: Wien CORE Zentrum, Pfeiffergasse 4, Stiege D, 2. Stock, 1150 Wien
UPCOMING EVENT: Economic Forum on Tunisia & B2B
We cordially invite you to participate in the "Economic Forum on Tunisia" organized by the Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Tunisia.
This Forum aims to introduce the Tunisian economy, different industrial sectors and the new investment law to shed a light on the possibilities and opportunities for partnerships and cooperation with Austrian companies and businesses.
The Forum will take place on Tuesday, 20 November 2018 from 13:00 hrs until 18:00 hrs at the SO/ Vienna, (former Sofitel Vienna Stephansdom), Praterstrasse 1, 1020 Vienna.
In addition to interesting speakers and presentations, you will find opportunities to establish direct contact with Tunisian business partners in the context of B2B meetings, from 16.00 hrs until 18:00 hrs.

PHOTO GALLERY: Gala Dinner on occasion of the 10th Arab-Austrian Economic Forum
Gala Dinner on occasion of the 10th Arab-Austrian Economic Forum & Exhibition held on 1 October 2018, at the Vienna City Hall.

PHOTO GALLERY: 10th Arab-Austrian Economic Forum & Exhibition
The 10th Arab-Austrian Economic Forum & Exhibition took place in Vienna, organized by the AACC Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the City of Vienna and the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RECREEE). Under the general theme "Energy Transition - Urban Technology and Sustainable Cities", New Opportunities for International Cooperation and Partnerships, representatives from EU institutions, international organizations, funds, European and international financial institutions as well as ministers and high-ranking personalities from the Arab economy met representatives of the local economy, politics and business community. Participants included Nabil R. Kuzbari, Richard Schenz, Omar Al-Rawi, Mahdi Allak, Johannes Peterlik, Samir Koubaa, Michael Esterl and Li Yong, and many more.