News › 2018

PHOTO GALLERY: Arab Ambassadors Corps Visit to Piber
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Arab Ambassadors Corps Visit to Piber
On 14 July 2018, the Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce (AACC), in cooperation with the Spanish Riding School / Federal Stud Piber, invited the Arab Ambassadors Corps to visit the Federal Stud Piber for aday.
The President of the AACC, Senator Dr. Richard Schenz, and Mrs. Dkfm. Elisabeth Gürtler, Head of the Spanish Riding School / Federal Stud Piber, were [...]
B2B: AACC member introduction to potential business partner from the United Arab Emirates
The Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce (AACC) coordinated a B2B meeting between its new member Mebe GmbH and Mr. Dawood Al Shezawi, CEO of Strategic, one of the leading exhibitions, conferences and event organizers in the United Arab Emirates.

PHOTO GALLERY: GCC Countries in Transformation. New Tax System
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AACC Panel on "GCC Countries in Transformation. New Tax System"
On 25 June 2018, the Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce (AACC) invited to an Economic Panel focusing on the “GCC Countries in Transformation: New Tax Landscape” in the premises of Vienna Economic Chamber. The Panel was organised in cooperation with the Vienna Economic Chamber and Crowe UAE accounting firm, and with the most valuable support of the Mission of the Gulf Cooperation Council to Austria.