News › February 2023

AACC Secretary-General Khouja Meets the Deputy Director of Vienna Economic Chamber (WKW)
On 23 February 2023, AACC Secretary-General Eng. Mouddar Khouja visited Dr. Alexander Biach, Deputy Director of Vienna Economic Chamber (WKW).

AACC Coordinates a Meeting between the Ambassador of Oman to Austria & AACC’s Company Member Nous Wissensmanagement GmbH
On 20 February 2023, AACC Secretary-General Eng. Mouddar Khouja hosted a meeting between the Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman to Austria His Excellency Mr. Yousuf Aljabri accompanied by Dr. Mag. Wafaa Elewa from the Economic Affairs Office at the Omani embassy, and Dr. Raphael Schneeberger and Mag. Wolfgang Schreiner, CEOs and co-partners of Nous Wissensmanagement GmbH, a company member of AACC.

AACC Secretary-General Receives a Delegation from the Council of Slovak Exporters
Upon an initiative from the Council of Slovak Exporters, AACC Secretary-General Eng. Mouddar Khouja received on 16 February 2023 Mr. Lukáš Parízek and Mr. Zulf Hyatt-Khan, Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Council of Slovak Exporters respectively, at AACC’s office in Vienna.

Courtesy Visit to Vienna Economic Chamber (WKW) with the Ambassador of the State of Kuwait
On 13 February 2023, the Secretary-General of AACC Eng. Mouddar Khouja and His Excellency Mr. Talal Alfassam, Ambassador of the State of Kuwait to Austria, paid a courtesy visit to His Excellency Eng. Walter Ruck, President of the Vienna Economic Chamber (WKW), at WKW’s premises.

AACC Coordinates a Meeting with Montana Aerospace AG for the Ambassador of the State of Kuwait
On 8 February 2023, AACC coordinated a meeting for His Excellency Mr. Talal Alfassam, Ambassador of the State of Kuwait to Austria, with Prof. DDr. Michael Tojner, Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors and Dr. Michael Pistauer, Co-CEO & CFO of Montana Areospace AG, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of complex lightweight components and structures for the aerospace industry, and other products.