News › June 2024

Courtesy Visit of H.E. Talal Alfassam, Ambassador of the State of Kuwait, and Secretary-General to Salzburg
The Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce (AACC) organized a visit for His Excellency Talal Alfassam, the Ambassador of Kuwait to Austria, to Salzburg. Deputy Governor Mag. Stefan Schnöll warmly welcomed the Ambassador and his delegation. He highlighted the importance of Arab tourists, especially from Gulf countries like Kuwait, who are drawn to Salzburg for its clean water, well-preserved historic sites, and natural beauty.

The Secretary-General of AACC headed the session on investment opportunities in Iraq at the 27th Arab-German Business Forum
From June 3 to June 5, 2024, the 27th Arab-German Business Forum was held in Berlin, with the AACC (Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce) playing a significant role. AACC Secretary-General Dipl.-Ing. Mouddar Khouja led the session on Investment Opportunities in Iraq. During the roundtable discussion, Dipl.-Ing. Khouja engaged in dialogues on infrastructure, energy, agriculture, and notably, tourism. Participants included, among others, presidents of local chambers in Iraq. Additionally, various projects in Iraq were highlighted, attracting significant interest from numerous German entrepreneurs who viewed Iraq as a promising market.
Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce (AACC) Participation in the Official Visit of His Excellency Faisal Al-Ibrahim, Saudi Minister of Economy and Planning
The Saudi Minister of Economy, His Excellency Faisal Al-Ibrahim, has visited his Austrian counterparty, Dr. Martin Kocher in the course of the 9th Saudi-Austrian Joint Committee in the last week of May 2024. The Minister was accompanied by a large delegation of high-ranking business leaders, for which the Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce (AACC) had the pleasure to organize thriving site [...]

AACC to facilitate Arab Ambassadors' Roundtable with the Federation of Austrian Industries on possible future Cooperations
30th April 2024 – Vienna, Austria
The Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the Federation of Austrian Industries, orchestrated a thriving gathering with the Ambassadors and Representatives of the Arab States on 30th April to foster bilateral relations and explore avenues for economic collaboration. The event saw the participation of ambassadors and representatives from Algeria, Egypt, GCC, [...]