News › 2018
TV Interview with AACC Secretary General for "Russia Today"
TV interview from 6 December 2018 with the Secretary General of the AACC, Eng. Mouddar Khouja with the channel "Russia Today" on the following topics:
"What is the objective of the OPEC meeting and why did Qatar withdraw?"
PHOTO GALLERY: Economic Forum on Tunisia & B2B
"Economic Forum on Tunisia & B2B" organised by the AACC in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Tunisia in Austria on 20 November 2018, SO/Vienna.
PHOTO GALLERY: 27th General Assembly & 28th Board of Directors Meeting
The 27th General Assembly of Members was held together with the 28th Meeting of Board of Directors at the SO/Vienna on 20 November 2018.

REPORT: 10th Arab-Austrian Economic Forum & Exhibition
Conference on: Energy Transition – Urban Technology and Sustainable Cities. New Opportunities for International Cooperation and Partnerships

CORE Workshops "Gastronomie" in Arabisch und Deutsch / Wirtschaftsagentur
Workshops für Menschen mit Fluchterfahrung, die Arabisch und Deutsch sprechen und Interesse haben, ein eigenes Unternehmen im Bereich "Gastronomie" zu gründen.
Ort: Wien CORE Zentrum, Pfeiffergasse 4, Stiege D, 2. Stock, 1150 Wien