News › 2019

Save-the-Date: 11th Arab-Austrian Economic Forum & Exhibition - 30th Anniversary
Register now to participate in our upcoming event!

REPORT: AACC Secretary General visits Baghdad, Iraq
From 15 - 17 April 2019, the Secretary General of the Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce (AACC) Eng. Mouddar Khouja went on a short trip to Baghdad, the capital of the Republic of Iraq, where he was invited as a guest of honour by Her Excellency Dr. Zekra Alwach, the Mayor of Baghdad, to attend a programme of cultural activities organised under the patronage of the Mayoralty of Baghdad.

REPORT: AACC Secretary General chairs Round Table on Renewable Energy Opportunities in Tunisia
On Wednesday, 24 April 2019, the Secretary General of the Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce (AACC) Eng. Mouddar Khouja was invited as both, chair and speaker in a Round Table on Renewable Energy Opportunities in Tunisia, organised by the Embassy of the Republic of Tunisia in Austria together with the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber’s Regional Office for Africa & Middle East.

GHS Global Housing Solutions
Keywords: housing solutions; mobile house system; permanent housing;